Monday, September 7, 2015

New Chicken Coop

You may wonder what a chicken coop has to do with bees.  As this video explains, pesticides and insecticides are not bee-friendly.  After beekeeping for 3 years, fire ants, mosquitos, spiders, and the like have taken over the yard.  In an effort to fight back, we're getting chickens to patrol and destroy the unwelcome bugs.  Hopefully, the idea will work.  If not, at least we will have fresh eggs!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

90 Years Ago...

This article was in our local newspaper, the Keowee Courier, this past week. It sounds like honey bees have been alive and well in Oconee County for at least 90 years.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Honey Bees Collecting Pollen on a Warm February Day

Our Ladies were busy collecting pollen yesterday and today.  Husband filmed this slo-mo video with our iPhone 6.  Enjoy!

The Ladies seemed almost frantic to work and gather pollen.  Could this mean a long winter?

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Making Sugar Boards

We have been feeding our bees 2:1 sugar water with homemade Honey B Healthy this winter. Our hives are a deep body and medium body "married", so the medium was full of honey at the end of the summer. We have a late summer nuc that we want to nurse through the rest of the winter, so we made a sugar board this morning for the nuc. This is our first try with sugar boards and I'm interested to see if they make a difference. Our hive 14 seems to be weaker than the others, so we made one for that hive as well. It has been a good sunny winter day to work the Girls. 

Follow up:  Hive 14 didn't make it. 😔