Friday, March 15, 2019

Yesterday was one of those amazing days when God gave me the gift of seeing a miracle first hand. James M Brown Elementary School (and most of the schools in Oconee County) participate in the @thebeecause Project. The observation hive at JMB had problems earlier in the year and all of the bees died. They also have 2 regular hives outside, so yesterday’s plan was to split one of the two outside hives in hopes of rehiving into the ob hive in a few weeks. Well, it was one of those miracle days! When we walked outside to look at the hives, we could hear the bees. (If you listen closely on this video, you will hear them). It was the sound of a swarm. We looked up in a small tree beside the hives and indeed there was a beautiful, large swarm of bees. We discussed the situation and decided to place the swarm directly into the observation hive. The photos show immediately after shaking the limb and dropping bees into the ob hive and then after the glass lid was reinstalled. I’ve seen and dealt with many swarms, but this one was the most exciting ever! Seeing those bees march into that ob hive almost made me cry. 🐝🐝🐝 #godscreatures#godscreaturesareamazing #miracles#blessed #honeybees

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